The property was part of a two quarter-section block of land secured by Father Albert Lacombe and Father Hippolyte Leduc for the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in 1883. It was primarily acquired as homesteaded land, but was transferred to the Oblates who had it subdivided into lots. Part of this area was ceded to the Diocese of St. Albert, including the present site of the Rouleau house. The intention of the Oblate fathers was to develop a Roman Catholic Francophone settlement south of Calgary. In 1889, this small community was incorporated as the Village of Rouleauville or the Mission District, since most of the activity and history pertained to the two prominent brothers, Dr. Edouard-Hector Rouleau and Judge Charles-Borromée Rouleau who served for the good of the community. Its independence ended in 1907, when the village was annexed to the city of Calgary.
Originally built in 1885 for businessman, Edwin R. Rogers, the house was bought by Dr. Edouard Rouleau in 1887, and had ever since lived in the vicinity until forced to relocate by the Canadian Northern Railway’s new right-of-way to downtown. The original location of the house was on Lot 27 along 17th Avenue, but as previously mentioned, the doctor moved it a few blocks down to Lot 29 in 1888. He bought three lots at the west end of the block, Lots 26-28, and built a bigger extension to the house in 1902 or 1903. Lot 28 was sold to the McHugh family in 1905. Continuing to live there until 1911, the right-of-way of the Canadian Northern Railway encouraged Dr. Rouleau to sell the rest of the property to the Mackenzie Mann and Company, which demolished the house, and move to another district. The original house on Lot 29 continued to stand and served as a rental residential tenant house for many years.
In 1950, the house survived a house fire with some damages, but the year of 2003 did not prove so lucky. The house faced the threat of demolition to make way for a parking lot. The application was filed by the administrator of the current owner, H.M. and P.S. Holdings Ltd. Doug Patrick. With many protests and lengthy proceedings, the city denied the request and considered the plea for its relocation. Finally, Calgary paid for moving the heritage site behind the Alberta Ballet Organization on March 25, 2005, where the new foundation may enable it’s life to be extended for many more years. However, renovation is still a crucial aspect to consider in order for preserve the aged Rouleau house.