Section 10 – Homestead land given to the Oblate fathers, this was Rouleauville. “—the most important outpost of French Canadian Catholic culture in southern Alberta, a little Quebec on the banks of the Elbow River,” according to the 1980’s writer Robert Stamp. In 1872, the first mission of Notre Dame de la Paix was founded by Père Doucet just twenty-five miles up the Elbow River. Three years later, he was the first to greet the North West Mounted Police as they arrived to establish a fort at the meeting point of the Bow and Elbow rivers. In that autumn of 1875, the mission was relocated to the present site of St. Mary’s Cathedral; and was staffed by Oblate priests: Leduc, Lestanc, Fouget, Lemarchand and Lacombe, who were supervised by Bishop Vital Grandin. The members of the parish were originally French speaking from Quebec who worked for the CPR construction, and Métis workers of the southern Alberta rangeland.  The security of the church Mission district however, was not set in stone. 1883 marked Father Père Lacombe’s 2000 mile journey to Ottawa with a simple demand of being handed the papers for the settlement. With the threat of camping in the minister of interior, David McPherson’s office, the priest was able to acquire two quarter sections, stretching from17th Avenue south to 34th Avenue, and from the Stampede grounds west to 4th Street.  More English settlers came and changed the pattern of the French ways. So much so, that the Catholic parish became Anglicized and renamed St. Mary’s. Not far in the west was the Sacred Heart convent from which many were taught, from Catholic and Protestant homes alike. Because of the growing number of pupils, the St. Mary’s Boys’ School was established soon in 1906. It became apparent that the influx of English speakers was going to continue. The Oblates made use of the Catholic Church’s immigration assistance services and a few families from Quebec became one of the most influential. The two brothers from Isle Vert—Judge Charles and Doctor Edouard Rouleau—after whom the village was named, were of course, the primary figures. Other notable establishments were the Blue Rock Hotel on the corner of 4th St and 25 Ave; and Holy Cross Hospital. Along 4th Street toward the southern end is the prominent celebration of the French and Catholic influence, where cross streets were named Notre Dame Road (17th Ave), St. Joseph Street 18th Ave), and St. Mary Street (19th Ave; behind and ahead of these were street names such as Oblate, Lacombe, Rouleau, Grandin and etc. The year of 1907 marked the annexation of Rouleaville by the city. Community names of “Rouleauville” and “Mission” were used interchangeably until after WWI where Rouleauville became no more. The change in street names was most noticeable as they were turned into numbers. As soon as the appointment of John Thomas McNally as the first bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese, more and more of the Oblate fathers were discouraged to be in the area. The dream of a French-speaking community was halted and the only remnants of Rouleauville’s—now called Mission—past remains with the presence of St. Mary’s Cathedral, St. Mary's School, Holy Cross Hospital and the Sacred Heart Convent. In its place is Rouleauville square  that has been established to preserve the history of the village.                    

Stamp, Robert. "French and Catholic: Bulldozed, vandalized or hanging on, sites of Rouleauville lurk in the Mission of today." 1980: 68-71.
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